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The UC Irvine ChemDB

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Bioinformatics 2007 23(17):2348-2351 

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More information at 

  1. African Academy of Sciences
  2. African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions [ANSTI]
  3. African Virtual University (AVU)
  4. ChemClub.Com
  5. Chemistry Central
  6. Chemists Without Borders
  8. Electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS)
  9. Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC)
  10. INASP - International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
  11. International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development
  12. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
  13. ISP - International Science Programme (Uppsala Univ)
  14. Millennium Science Initiative (MSI)
  15. SCIDEV.NET - Science and Development Network
  16. TWAS - Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
  17. Washington DC Principles for Free Access to Science

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